June 13, 2024

Royston Australia's Expertise in Christchurch Dry Dock

Royston Australia (RA) recently sent a two-man team to Christchurch, New Zealand to complete a major overhaul of two MaK 9M25 engines onboard an Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel whilst in dry dock.

Having worked with this vessel and these engines for more than 10 years, RA was called in for the 60,000-hour service due to their knowledge and understanding of the clients assets and to control costs.

RA sent a tool container to Christchurch ahead of time, sourced all required parts from Germany at short notice and worked with contacts on the ground to access the necessary materials to finish the job; two leading hands were sent from Perth, Australia to oversee two highly experienced local fitters and stayed on the boat while the overhaul was done. RA used a local Christchurch workshop to repair and rebuild engine components, with the entire process taking about a month, easing back on manpower when applicable, to keep costs down.

The chief engineer and superintendent were very happy with the final sea trial, which was supervised by RA Operations Manager Jack Clark (who had carried out previous overhauls on these engines over the years), and the vessel was back in operation.

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